With bathing suit weather just around the corner, a lot of women – and some men, too – are starting to think about hair removal. A smooth shave is one thing, and can be a simple, temporary solution when an unexpected beach party strikes but it’s imperfect if you want to avoid stubble and irritation. So what are the alternatives? Waxing and epilators are the solutions some people swear by. And depilatory creams and electrolysis are still in use.
But when our clients come to use asking about summer hair removal options, we suggest laser hair removal for a variety of reasons. It is a non-invasive, FDA approved procedure that’s both safe and more effective at achieving lasting hair removal than other methods.
Who is a candidate for pre-summer laser hair removal? Anyone with unwanted hair! Sessions in our NJ spa usually last about 15 minutes and can cover large areas, and a full round of treatment typically consists of four to six sessions to ensure all unwanted hair is gone. The specialized Sciton™ Clearscan™ Laser we use in our office employs a distinctive computer-guided scanning system that automates the treatment ensuring that hair is evenly eliminated across sessions.
But our favorite thing about laser hair removal, as opposed to other hair removal procedures, is that it leaves skin feeling softer, smoother, and more beautiful. Do you have unwanted hair you’d like to see gone before it’s time to hit the beach? Then give us a call at 201-505-1020! There’s still time to achieve the smoothest skin you’ve ever had!