Woodcliff Lake, N.J.
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Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Profile Nd Erbium YAG CO2 Laser by Sciton

Skin changes over time, due to the natural aging process and environmental contributors such as the sun, resulting in skin losing its youthful appearance, developing brown spots, wrinkles, and laxity.  Rejuvenating your skin with Fractional CO2, is fast becoming the gold standard in laser facial rejuvenation.

Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing reduces fine lines and wrinkles, causes immediate skin tightening and noticeably improves skin tone and texture.  As a CO2 laser, the Profile Nd Erbium YAG CO2 Laser by Sciton uses the same technology that is considered the gold standard for reducing wrinkles, lines and pigmentation.  Fractionation is a technique developed by R. Rox Anderson, M.D. that makes dermal lasers less destructive while preserving their effectiveness. Instead of emitting a solid beam of energy that destroys a large area of skin tissue, the Profile Nd Erbium YAG CO2 Laser by Sciton can put out tiny, high energy beams that target pigmentation issues, wrinkles, texture problems, and acne scars, leaving bridges of untouched skin to aid in the regeneration process. It also stimulates the growth of collagen resulting in skin that continues to improve over the next 4 to 6 months. Since this procedure involves treating only a fraction of the skin’s surface, it promotes faster healing and results in an easier recovery period. The results, however, are really fantastic.

In one 30 minute treatment, the Profile Nd Erbium YAG CO2 Laser by Sciton improves lines under the eyes and around the lips better than any other laser on the market today.  During the same treatment, the laser will shrink pores, reduce pigmentation and eliminate lines throughout the rest of the face. After three to five days of mild swelling and about a week of sunburn-like redness, the skin is dramatically improved. The treatment also stimulates collagen growth so improvements continue for several months after the procedure. The treatment can be repeated after 6 months, but most people are satisfied with the results of their first procedure.

Pre-Procedure for Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing Therapy

Continuously Adjust Healing Zone

By carefully choosing the volume of skin left untreated, Dr. Roche will tailor treatments to the indication and the patient’s tolerance of downtime.

Select Volume Treated

Superior treatments balance spot size and treatment depth. As the spot size is reduced, depth can be increased without increasing downtime.

Ablate, Contract and Remodel

Each pulse ablates a column of tissue, eliminating discolorations at the surface and causing volumetric skin reduction. As ablation occurs, deep heating stimulates immediate collagen contraction and long-term collagen remodeling.

Deeper wrinkles and scars have a dermal component and are most effectively treated by penetrating deep into the problem areas. Higher percentage of untreated skin enables quicker healing. Dyschromias are superficial and respond best to near complete coverage. Less untreated skin, a larger spot size and less penetration are ideal for this indication.

Pain or discomfort are minimal – less than the Fraxel. We find that topical numbing cream and a pre treatment protocol before and cold air during the procedure are almost always enough to make the procedure painless. If necessary, we do have oral medication for pain and anxiety control available.

The benefits of laser resurfacing last for several years, however patients with acne and scars may require 2 treatments.  As the aging process continues, many people find that they would benefit from a repeat treatment about 4 years or so after the original procedure.

Side effects are few and rare. Because the the Profile Nd Erbium YAG CO2 Laser by Sciton fractionated, we do not see the kinds of side effects that we see from other laser treatments. We do not get the waxy cast to the skin or the pigmentation changes that are sometimes such an unfortunate adverse effect of the more invasive laser treatment.

Fractional CO2 Resurfacing Benefits:

•  Removes sun damage

•  For moderate wrinkles

•  Great for smokers lines

•  Effective for acne scars

•  Stimulates collagen

•  Great for face & neck

•  Minimal down time