Woodcliff Lake, N.J.
Call to schedule your appointment 1-201-505-1020

A Window into Sun Damage: Visible Proof You Need Sunscreen Every Day

We know that a lot of people balk at the idea that everyone should be wearing sunscreen, everyday. After all, most of us spend a lot of time inside or in the car – sometimes a lot more time than we spend outdoors on any given day. But consider this striking image of a 69-year-old man. Your first thought may be that as portraits go, this one is somewhat unbalanced, and that’s what makes it such a perfect example of why we all need to wear sunscreen, even if we’re not headed for the beach.

 Twenty-eight years of driving a truck for a living left this unnamed man (who graciously allowed himself to be photographed by the New England Journal of Medicine) with what’s known as Unilateral Dermatoheliosis – otherwise known as severe sun damage from UV rays that causes not only wrinkles, but also sagging and thickening of the skin. And that damage was caused by the kind of sun exposure we all routinely get sitting in our cars every day as we commute, drive to visit friends, or run errands.

Are you convinced yet? The anonymous truck driver didn’t have skin cancer when tested, but Dermatoheliosis has been linked to the eventual development of melanomas. In other words, cancer. That’s why we tell our patients to use sunscreen, whether they think they’ll be outside or not. Even when there’s snow on the ground!

The easiest way to remember to wear sunscreen is to make it part of your morning beauty routine. Solar Eclipse SPF 30 from Elizabeth Roche M.D. Skincare not only protects you against the damaging effects of UVA and UVB rays, but also comes with a hint of color and a matte, silky finish that can stand in for most foundation. Want to know more? Call us at 201-505-1020 or come in and see for yourself!